Wednesday 17 August 2016

Kino Kicks

I like movies, all kinds of movies and sometimes I scribble about what I've watched. This is a place to gather those notes and ratings.......a cinematic journal if you will.


0.0 = TRIPE!

0.5 = maybe one scene worth a look, good luck wading through the crap to get to it. 

1.0 = bad fail.

1.5 = very poor, maybe some semblance of an idea but executed so, so badly.

2.0 = poor to middling, missing more than hitting, possibly worth a look for some.

2.5 = decent, average, not lighting any fires but perfectly watchable.

3.0 = good, works well without reaching any artistic heights, worth a watch.

3.5 = very good, recommended, a film on the verge of being great.

4.0 = excellent, little wrong and ticking big cinematic art boxes.

4.5 = near perfect.

5.0 = ART!