presence of Ben Wheatley as a producer makes this of immediate
interest and it is obvious why he would have a hand in this film,
Gillespie having worked with him previously and it being a story
rooted in paranoid and hallucinatory psychological horror similar to
his own works Kill List and A Field in England. Tank 432 however does
not live up to the excitement that Wheatley’s name arouses because
Nick Gillespie fails to generate the same engagement in the audience.
First of all there’s no context, we are thrown into the midst of a
mercenary mission that is going awry, there’s some weird shit going
down and then they find a tank. An abandoned, broken down tank that
they get locked into and cue the paranoid, claustrophobic to do that
is Tank 432. The characters are paper thin, eliciting little sympathy
and the whole thing putters along without really going anywhere. It’s
unfortunate because Gillespie shoots a good film, Tank 432 looks
good, the eerie visual ambience is spot on but the plot doesn’t
match up and it’s all a bit hysterical without any good reason to
be. Mark it down as disappointing.
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