Friday 20 October 2017

The Selfish Giant

(Clio Barnard/2013/UK)

Set in Bradford and following two hard nosed kids from a council estate, Arbor and Swifty, as they bunk off school and try their hand at collecting scrap for a local merchant, The Selfish Giant is atmospheric and gritty all at once. There are lingering cut aways on sheep in fog filled fields, humming electricity pylons and dusky skies that evoke a near mystical sense of the environment around the deadbeat lives of the characters. There is minimal soundtrack, it's mostly ambient noise. The sound of those suburban industrial areas, the scraps of wasteland with the hum of factories and pylons ever present is captured perfectly. The story itself is unflinching in it's portrayal of these kids who see no opportunity in school and throw two fingers to the world to pave their own way. The eventual tragedy and emotional turmoil of that decision hits hard but the film ends beautifully albeit cut through with sadness. I loved every minute of it, beautifully shot, acted and edited. I'll be looking forward to seeing Clio Barnards next feature, Dark River.


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